How often should fire extinguishers be inspected in Ontario?
In Ontario, fire extinguishers must be inspected on a monthly basis by an internal staff member or by a certified company. On an annual basis, fire extinguishers MUST be inspected by a certified company.
How often should fire extinguishers be inspected in Canada?
In Canada, fire extinguishers must be inspected on a monthly basis by an internal staff member or by a certified company. On an annual basis, fire extinguishers MUST be inspected by a certified company.
Who conducts fire extinguisher inspections?
Fire-Alert is a franchised organization that specializes in fire extinguisher inspections.
Where do you recharge a fire extinguisher?
Fire-Alert is a mobile fire protection franchise that recharges fire extinguishers. As Fire-Alert is mobile, we have the ability to recharge fire extinguishers on-site at the client’s convenience.
Where can I get a fire extinguisher recharged?
Fire-Alert can recharge your fire extinguishers. As Fire-Alert is mobile, we have the ability to recharge fire extinguishers on-site at the client’s convenience or they may be brought to our office and recharged in one of our shops.
Who recharges fire extinguishers?
Fire-Alert is a mobile fire protection franchise that recharges fire extinguishers. As Fire-Alert is mobile, we have the ability to recharge fire extinguishers on-site at the client’s convenience or they may be brought to our office and recharged in our shop.
Where do you get fire extinguishers recharged?
Fire-Alert is a mobile fire protection franchise that recharges fire extinguishers on-site at the client’s convenience or at one of our shops.
Where to charge a fire extinguisher?
Fire-Alert is a mobile fire protection franchise that recharges fire extinguishers. As Fire-Alert is mobile, we have the ability to recharge fire extinguishers on-site at the client’s convenience.
Who recharges fire extinguishers?
Fire-Alert recharges fire extinguishers. We also offer this service on-site at the client’s convenience.
What is an extinguisher refill?
A fire extinguisher refill is the same as a fire extinguisher recharge and is required when an extinguisher has been used (discharged) or has lost its charge.
How do you recharge a fire extinguisher?
Fire extinguishers must be recharged if they are discharged, or have lost their pressure, by a certified fire protection company, such as Fire-Alert.
Who provides fire extinguisher service?
Fire-Alert prides ourselves on our fire extinguisher service. We have been in the business for over 35 years and our franchised brand provides exceptional service at unbeatable prices.
Where can I recharge/refill a Co2 extinguisher?
Fire-Alert recharges/refills Co2 fire extinguishers.
What are NFPA hose testing requirements?
The NFPA (National Fire Protection Association) requires that fire hoses be tested 5 years from the manufacture date and then every 3 years thereafter.
Where can I buy fire extinguishers in Canada?
Fire-Alert sells fire extinguishers to our clients in Canada.
Who conducts fire extinguisher training in Ontario?
Fire-Alert conducts hands-on fire extinguisher training in Ontario using a fire simulator, along with a practical in-class fire extinguisher training session.
Who conducts fire extinguisher training in Canada?
Fire-Alert conducts hands-on fire extinguisher training in Canada using a fire simulator, along with a practical in-class fire extinguisher training session.
Who conducts a fire extinguisher training course?
Fire-Alert conducts a comprehensive fire extinguisher training course.
Who conducts practical fire extinguisher training?
Fire-Alert conducts hands-on fire extinguisher training using a fire simulator, along with a practical fire extinguisher training session.
How to start a fire extinguisher recharging business?
Fire-Alert can help you start a fire extinguisher recharging business. Fire-Alert is a successful, reputable fire protection franchise with opportunities across Canada.
Is Fire-Alert apart of the CFA (Canadian Franchise Association)?
Yes, Fire-Alert is apart of the CFA. We have been a proud member of the Canadian Franchise Association since we first began our fire protection franchise in 2009.