How to Prevent Commercial Kitchen Fires

Commercial kitchens are a vital part of many businesses. They cook food for customers, employees, and sometimes even catering events. However, they can also be dangerous places if not properly cared for. Fires in commercial kitchens can cause extensive damage and put lives at risk. In this blog post, we will discuss how to prevent commercial kitchen fires from happening in the first place.

Most Common Causes of Commercial Kitchen Fires

There are many potential causes of commercial kitchen fires. Some of the most common include:

  • Grease and oil buildup: This is one of the most common causes of commercial kitchen fires. When grease and oil build up on surfaces, they can easily ignite and cause a fire to start. Keeping your kitchen clean and free of grease and oil buildup is essential.
  • Poor ventilation: If your commercial kitchen doesn’t have proper ventilation, it can be a breeding ground for fires. Smoke and heat buildup quickly in poorly ventilated areas, making it easier for a fire to start and spread. Make sure your kitchen is well-ventilated to help prevent fires from creating.
  • Electrical problems: Faulty electrical wiring is another common cause of commercial kitchen fires. It could quickly fire if you have outdated or damaged electrical wiring. Ensure your wiring is regularly checked and repaired or replaced as needed.
  • Gas leaks: Gas leaks are also a significant fire hazard in commercial kitchens. If you smell gas, it’s important to evacuate the area immediately and call the fire department. Don’t try to fix the problem yourself; leave it to the professionals.

Tips to Prevent Commercial Kitchen Fires

There are several things you can do to help prevent commercial kitchen fires, such as:

Check Your Cooking Equipment

Make sure all of your cooking equipment is in good working condition. This includes stoves, ovens, fryers, and grills. If you have any damaged or broken equipment, repair or replace it as soon as possible.

Pay Attention to Objects Around the Stove

Don’t leave things like towels, potholders, or paper towels near the stove. These items can easily catch fire if they get too close to the heat.

Clean Grease Frequently

Grease and oil buildup is one of the leading causes of commercial kitchen fires. Be sure to clean all surfaces regularly to prevent this from happening.

Don’t Pour Hot Oil Into the Trash

Hot oil can easily ignite garbage and start a fire. Let it cool down before disposing of it. In the event of a fire, having a fire extinguisher close by can help to put it out quickly. Be sure to have one in an easily accessible location.

Install a Kitchen Fire Suppression System

A kitchen fire suppression system is a must-have in any commercial kitchen. This system will help to extinguish fires quickly and prevent them from spreading. There are many different suppression systems available, so be sure to research to find the best one for your needs.

Train Your Staff

All your staff should be trained to prevent and extinguish commercial kitchen fires. Review fire safety procedures with them regularly and ensure they know what to do in the event of a fire.

Adhere to Fire Codes When Designing a Commercial Kitchen

Following all fire codes and regulations when constructing a commercial kitchen is critical. This will ensure that your kitchen is as safe as possible and avoids fires. When planning a business kitchen, there are a few things to remember. The kitchen layout should be designed so that all exits are easily accessible. And then all doors and windows should be fireproof.


Commercial kitchen fires are a severe hazard. By following these tips, you can help to prevent them from happening in your kitchen. Be sure to train your staff on fire safety procedures and have a fire extinguisher on hand in an emergency. With proper precautions, you can help to keep your kitchen safe.

Do you need fire extinguisher services for your commercial kitchen? Contact Fire-Alert today to see how we can help!