What Fire Safety Equipment Should I Have In My Facility?

When it comes to fire safety in the workplace, nothing is more important than implementing the use of fire prevention equipment and procedures. The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA)’s fire code states that commercial, industrial, and residential buildings must have fire extinguishers on hand, as well as other types of fire safety equipment, in order to minimize the spread of a potentially devastating fire. In this article, we take a look at the four main kinds of fire safety equipment you are required to have in your work facility. It’s important to note that all employees must be trained to operate this equipment in the event of an emergency.

Fire Extinguishers

While fire extinguishers are commonly the first line of defence when it comes to eliminating fires before they spread, many of us don’t know how to use them. It’s not only essential that fire extinguishers are installed in your building, but that all employees are fully confident in how to use one in the event of a fire. 

Creative Safety Supply tells us why fire extinguishers are mandatory in the workplace and details how to use one:

“All facilities are required to have fire extinguishers on site. These extinguishers should be easy to access, highly visible, properly charged, and inspected regularly. They’re often the first line of defense and commonly used to extinguish or contain fires, which prevents costly damage and saves lives. They should be installed high on the wall and located near an exit. When using a fire extinguisher, remember the PASS method: Pull the pin, aim low, squeeze the lever slowly, and sweep from side to side.”

Smoke Detectors

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has strict requirements for how many smoke detectors must be in a building, whether commercial or residential. Making sure you abide by these guidelines is essential to adequate fire prevention in the workplace.

NTT Inc. lays out what the OSHA requirements are when it comes to smoke detectors:

“Do you know exactly how many detectors your workplace needs? OSHA GUIDELINES state that every room, storage area, and hallway should have its own smoke detector. Large spaces might require two detectors, depending on the range of the detectors you are using. Even if you think your workplace has plenty of fire detectors, it’s a good idea to go through each room and make sure, as well as to check the range of your smoke detectors in case larger rooms and hallways require more than one.”

Carbon Monoxide Alarms

Installing carbon monoxide alarms in your business is one of the simplest ways that you can protect your business from this harmful gas. Surprisingly, carbon monoxide alarms only became a legal requirement in 2017 for residential homes and buildings. However, it is important to include these life saving alarms in commercial buildings as well.

StanleySecurity.ca explains why carbon monoxide detectors are important to install not only at home, but in the workplace as well:

“CO detectors for business are an inexpensive, effective way to protect your business from harmful gas. They work by monitoring airborne concentration levels (parts per million) of carbon monoxide over time, and alerting you with sounds and visual signals when harmful levels are present. CO detectors are designed to sense both low levels of CO over long periods, and high levels over short periods.”

Fire Suppression Systems

Fire suppression systems are an essential part in not preventing property loss in the case of an extreme fire, but preventing both serious injury and death. Fire sprinkler systems have the capability to drastically reduce smoke, flames and heat and can virtually eliminate a fire that is rapidly spreading. 

Fire-Alert takes pride in equipping homeowners, commercial businesses and government buildings with all necessary fire safety devices to ensure the well-being of families and employees across the nation. Reach out to us using our contact form to find out more.